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Interpretada por: CHRIS ISAAK
I know somebody and they cry for you
They lie awake at night and dream of you
I bet you never even know they do
But somebody's crying

I know somebody and they call your name
A millions times but still you never came
They go on loving you just the same
I know that somebody's trying

So please return the love you took from me
Oh please you let me know if it can't be me
I know when somebody's lying
I know when somebody's lying

I know that somebody's lying
I know that somebody's lying

Give me a sign and let me know we are through
If you don't love me like I love you
But if you cry at night the way I do
I'll know that somebody's lying

So please return the love you took from me
Oh please let me know if it can't be me
I know when somebody's lying
I know when somebody's lying

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1999 Desenvolvido porMarcos Benites.
Ultima Atualização: maio 26, 2000