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Interpretada por: DEL AMITRI

Look around your world pretty baby
Is it everything you hoped it'd be?
The wrong guy, the wrong situation
The right time to roll to me

Look into your heart pretty baby,
Is it aching with some nameless need?
Is there something wrong and you can't put your finger on it?
Right then, roll to me

And I don't think I have ever seen a soul so in despair
So if you want to talk the night through
Guess who will be there?

So don't try to deny it pretty baby,
You've been down so long you can hardly see
When the engine's stalled and it won't stop raining
It's the right time to roll to me

Look around your world pretty baby
Is it everything you hoped it'd be?
The wrong guy, the wrong situation
The right time to roll to me

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1999 Desenvolvido por Marcos Benites.
Ultima Atualização: maio 26, 2000