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How Soon is Now?
Interpretada por: Love Spit Love   Comprar CD
 I am the son
and the heir
of a shyness

that is criminally vulgar

I am the son and heir

of nothing in particular

You shut your mouth

how can you say

I go about things the wrong way

I am human and I need to be loved

just like everybody else does

I am the son

and the heir

of a shyness

that is criminally vulgar

I am the son and heir
of nothing in particular
You shut your mouth

how can you say

I go about things the wrong way

I am human and I need to be loved

just like everybody else does

There's a club if you'd like to go

you could meet someone 

who really loves you

so you go and you stand on your own

and you leave on your own

and you go home 

and you cry and you want to die

When you say it's gonna happen now

when exactly do you mean?


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1999 Desenvolvido por Marcos Benites.
Última atualização: maio 26, 2000