ER: Diálogos - Dr. Carter, I Presume?

Dr. Carter, I Presume?

Caso você possua algum diálogo deste episódio e queira que ele apareça aqui por favor envie-o para o meu e-mail.

Jerry: Dr. Carter, I presume?

Paciente: Damn, this hurts!
Haleh: I hope it does!

Malik: Drunk fell off the balcony . . . looking for the pool.
Jerry: He find it?
Malik: No.

Ex-interno: In the great game of medical education tag, you're it.

Ex-interno: You think you know what you're doing . . . you don't

Ex-interno sobre Benton: He is the anti-Christ.

Ex-interno: Welcome to Hell, ladies and gentlemen.

Weaver's in the intro as permanent cast. Yes!

Jeanne: I tested positive.
Audiência: Oh, my gosh . . .

Jeanne: I'm going to have to talk to Mark Greene about it.
Benton: Yeah.

Mark: Remind me again why we're doing this.
Ross: It's fun.

Ross: Are you suggesting you date me?

Benton: Don't worry. The nurses won't let you kill anyone.

Susan: Hey, Carter what are you doing?
Carter: Benton dumped me down to the ER.

Wendy: Go help the patient.

Weaver: The rules were made for a reason.

Haleh: She's got to be kidding.

Paciente sobre Carter: What is he, an idiot?

Carter: Isn't that a nurse's job?
Benton: Not today, it isn't!

Carter: Whose stupid idea is this?
Weaver: Mine.

Carter: Somebody call for a surgical consulting?

Benton: Congratulations, Mr. Carter. Your patient now needs a chest tube.

Carter batendo a cabeça na parede.

Mark ref. aos prospectos para viagens: Where's that?
Susan: Micronesia.
Mark: Where's that?
Susan: Who cares? A long way from here!

Carter: You okay, Dr. Benton?
Benton: Yeah . . . I'm fine.

Haleh: You could always quit again.

Lydia: Carter's getting a little uppity.
Haleh: Really.
Lydia: He may need a little midnight potty training.
Haleh: I'd be delighted.

Pessoa na festa: Don't have time for any old friends?
Benton: Oh, I have an hour now and then.
Pessoa na festa: That's all it takes . . . remember?

(Shep retorna.)
Espectador 1: Go away, Shep!
Espectador 2: Get a life!

Haleh: Toast okay?
Carter: Toast, oatmeal, prime rib, whatever . . . (half asleep) . . . toast . . .

Carter: Is it always like this when somebody's trying to get some sleep?

Kerry: Whatever you do, I suggest you apologize to the nurses immediately.
Carter: I didn't do anything!
Kerry: Apologize anyway!

(Carter tirando a camisa)
Espectador 1: Take it off! Take it all off!
Espectador 2: Woo-hoo!

Residente Cirurgico: It's Carter, right?
Carter: Yeah.
Residente Cirurgico: Shut up, Carter, and close the door.

Carter: I don't know . . . I don't know . . . somebody call a doctor!
Hathaway: You are the doctor!

Carter: I can do this . . . I can do this.

Jeanne: I'm not asking you to lie. I'm asking you to keep your mouth shut.

Kerry: You really need to improve chart review.
Mark: Why would I want to do that?

Ross: Driving you crazy . . . we can't have that!

Ross: You people think you know me so well . . .
Jerry: We do.

Ross: Jerry, don't you have some work to do?

Mark: You're a very popular guy.

Susan: Carter, your first day?
Malik: Hey, Carter, if you can't cut it in surgery, there's always family medicine.
Jerry: Or gerintology.
Malik: Or psychiatry.
Susan: Don't forget, they can't throw you out.
Carol: No, but they can just make your life so miserable you're gonna beg them to let you quit.

Ex-interno: You are wedges. The wedge is the most primitive tool known to man. That is you. You think you know what you're doing. Believe me, you don't.

Ex-interno: Dr. Benton is an intern's worst nightmare. He's smarter than you, he never eats, he never sleeps, he reads every medical journal no matter how obscure. He is the anti-Christ, Beelzebub, Lucifer, a devourer of wedges. You will go to sleep at night wishing plague and pestilence on his unborn children and you will wake up every morning praying for his approval. You won't get it. (dentro do elevador) Welcome to Hell, ladies and gentleman.

Mark: OW!
Doug: (rindo): You're supposed to use your hand...
Mark: Ha ha ha.

Benton: Ah, an intern who wasn't asleep during med school, thank you.

Lydia: Benton on his way down? Carter: No, I'M the surgical consult.
Susan: He'll be fine.
Lydia: God help the poor patient.

Mark: BE, uh, Barian Enema?
Kerry: Blunt Extremity trauma.
Carol: Some guy with a nasty bruise is gonna get a radioactive colon cleansing.
Mark: Muh-uh!

Paciente sobre Carter: What is he, an idiot? How old are you?
Carter: Old enough.

Susan: Look at this! Pearl white beaches set against an azure blue tropical sky. Cool breezes that make your semi-detached bungalow your own little piece of paradise.
Mark: Where's that?
Susan: Micronesia.
Mark: Where's that?
Susan: Who cares? It's a long long ways from here. Oooh! Dive with Lenny and Francis and the boys at Fish and Fins, Palous oldest and most experianced charter operator.
Mark: Is that a shark?
Susan: Ooh, five or six of them. Cool, huh? Oh, look, Hawaii! Have you ever been to Hawaii?
Mark: Hawaii, South Pacific? Don't all these places require that you get on a plane and fly over water, like at great heights?
Susan: I don't care, they all look so beautiful. I'd just self-medicate and sleep through the whole thing.

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Compilado por: Marcos Benites
Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000