Union Station
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(Ross está participando do saúde móvel novamente e está atendendo uma mãe muito
Doug: Think that was an informed consent?
Chuny: Close enough.
(Charlie trás um bebê e diz que é dela mesmo que ele não pareça nem um pouco com
Doug: All right, Ms. Lopez, sign right here.
(Ross o protetor...)
Doug: Hey, Charlie, shouldn't you be in school?
Charlie: We're off. It's career day.
(As pessoas estão cumprimentando Susan.)
Susan: You should have seen me my first year.
Carol: Don't believe her. She was always this good.
(Mark está pegando o apartamento de Susan.)
Proprietária: No live-ins, no parties, no pets?
Mark: None of the above.
Proprietária: A ladylady's dream.
Mark: At least it works for someone.
(Weaver está preocupada com os horários)
Weaver: So, basically, we're screwed.
Mark (para Susan): So, T minus five hours and counting?
(Susan ajudando Mark.)
Susan: Any time. Any time in the next four hours.
Keaton: The Hurlahes are taking Meghan home today.
Zach Hurlahe: Finally.
(Carter encontra Keaton e corre para dentro da sala)
Carter: Hey, there! (vê Benton falando com Keaton.) Uh, hi.
Susan: I'm just worried that I'm not happy at all, I'm just barging in on Chloe and
Joe's happiness.
Carol: Well, she owes you a few barges.
Mark: Susan, there you are!
Susan: What's wrong? Mark: I need a second opinion.
Susan: You seem . . . odd.
Chuny: The immunization program was Doug's idea.
Mark: Is this true?
Doug: Keeps me off the streets.
Susan (para Mark): You can't put me in the middle of your conflict with Kerry Weaver. Literally can't, since I won't be here.
(Mark continua procurando desculpas para ficar com Susan.)
Susan: Mark, is there something else?
Mark: No, nothing else. I mean, I could get you to consult on the hives in four, but I
think it's time for us to stand on our own two feet.
(Uma mulher em trabalho de parto quer matar o bebê)
Paciente: I never wanted the little bastard!
Doug: Little late now.
Paciente: My ex stole $500 from me.
Mark: I'm sure that's distressing, but it's not enough reason to stop monitoring your
(Al trás um paciente, mas Lydia não fala com ele)
Al: Lydia!
Lydia: Don't worry, it's not about you.
Al: Lydia . . .
(Olhando para o péssimo intestino de uma criança)
Keaton: Pretty tangled.
Carter: Like a drawer full of socks.
Keaton: I'll have to remember that one.
(Está claro que o bebê que Charlie trouxa precisa de alguma coisa a mais)
Chuny: He took the baby without consent.
Mark: I didn't hear that.
Doug: Don't ask.
Mark: I won't.
Mark: Think he'll talk her into it?
Carol: Well, shouldn't be too hard, it's what she wants.
Randi: Talk her into what?
Mark: Living happily ever after.
Carol: No way!
(Doyle chamou a policia para a mãe que queria matar o seu bebê)
Doyle: Look, if I want to testify against the bitch, I'll do it on my own time.
Doug: Oh, I think we're gonna like her . . .
(Descrevendo um acidente)
Mark: . . . kindergarten carpool verses joyriding teens . . .
Mark: I didn't even say good-bye.
Doug: Good-bye is not what you need to say to her.
Benton: I'm sorry I have to work late . . .
Carla: Well, there's late - and there's later.
(Para Susan, que está partindo)
Mark: Stay. We belong together.
Susan para Mark: I really do love you.
Doug: Everybody get a cookie?
Chuny: I'm sorry, that ain't Spanish.
Charlie: Yeah, you gave me some condoms. Guess you were a couple years late.
Carter: Yeah, we'll take him off your hands for you.
Susan: Eh, not so fast, Dr. Carter!
Susan: The machines can give us test results, but they like keep us around here for
diagnostic purposes.
Carter: You see, this is our last shift together, may be our last patient together, she's
just trying to bus me.
Susan: Somebody has to hold you surgeons back!
(Após Kerry ter dito várias e várias coisas sobre o que será perder Susan)
Mark: I just didn't get much sleep last night. I'm sorry, what did you say after 'we're
Doyle: Never apologize for a good hip check, right coach?
(Após Mark ter assumindo o aluguel do apartamento de Susan)
Mark: I signed the lease.
Susan: Oh, great, it would've been a shame to let that place go. And I'll never forget
your address.
( Com a família Herlihy)
Abby: Say 'discharge'!
Abby: Never begrudge a good outcome.
Benton: Well it's nothing to be proud of.
Abby: Well sometimes the gods smile.
Carter: This thing with Dr. Keaton this...article...won't get in the way at all.
(Sobre Mark)
Carol: I think he's just trying to be a good sport, you know, judging from how miserable
he looks.
Doug: There they are, the Mutt and Jeff of emergency medicine, pooling their expertise before she leaves us in the dust!
(Sobre a festa de despedida que o pessoal preparou para Susan)
Carol: Oh guys, I don't know, I think she's going to hate this!
Doug: Of course she's going to hate it, that's the point!
Mark: She's made her decision.
Doug: Mm-hmm.
Mark: There doesn't seem a point in saying anything.
Doug: Mm-hmm.
Benton: The pancreas is...shaped like...a tadpole with a big head. It narrows into a tail that curls into the spleen.
Haleh: You and Al finally set a date?
Lydia: No, the opposite.
Chuny: You broke up with Al?
Lydia: I'm returning this ridiculous fake virgin outfit and they'd better not offer me
store credit!
(Discutindo sobre homens)
Lydia: They're wimps!
Conni: They're petrified to make a move!
Haleh: It's lack of spine, isn't it?
Mark: You know, whatever you're talking about, I'm sure you're right.
Doyle: I want you to see this woman, she's in labor.
Capelão: Does she want a prayer?
Doyle: No, but her baby will.
Mr. Seibard: Why? Why can't I see Dr. Lewis?
Malik: I can get her--
Mark: Look, Dr. Lewis is leaving us, Mr. Seibard! She's not going to work here anymore!
Malik, will you get Psych for Mr. Seibard?
Malik: I can find Dr. Lewis -
Mark: Get Psych!
Paciente: So now it's a crime to cough.
Al: Just shut up, and be grateful.
(Al está esclarecendo por que ele adiou o casamento com Lydia)
Al: Yeah, but that didn't mean I didn't want to, you know.
Mark: I know.
Al: You know, I woke up this morning and it was like I was dying, you ever get that?
Mark: Yeah.
(Durante uma cirurgia)
Abby: Boy, oh boy, oh boy look at that!
Lydia: Is this crazy?
Susan: Yeah, this is crazy. Good thing you had this old rag lying around.
Chuny: Anybody get a stool culture on - (Vê que um casamento está acontecendo) Oh my God, sorry.
Carter: If it's okay with you, I'd like to get out of here by 7.
Benton: You're working on that literature review for Dr. Keaton?
Carter: No, actually I got a date!
Benton: Yeah, well just don't procrastinate and keep Keaton waiting.
Carter: I'm not gonna keep Keaton waiting.
(Sobre o método de ensino de Keaton)
Benton: Oh come on, all that psychobabble? She doesn't say what she wants.
Carter: Sometimes she does.
Kerry: Tough day, Dr. Ross?
Doug: Yeah, Kerry, I was immunizing when you were still hitting the snooze button.
Doug: You would say to her what you've been wanting to say for years, you'd tell her how you feel or you can let her go without saying a word and you'll regret it for the rest of your life and you'll make yourself and everyone around you miserable. Like you have today.
Susan: Mark, are you okay? You came to say good-bye?
Mark: No. Stay. I want you to stay.
Susan: But, Mark...
Mark: I love you. And I'm stupid for not saying it before.
Susan: No, no it's okay...I, I knew. In a way, I knew.
Mark: Stay. We belong together. Tell me you don't feel the same.
Susan: I'm sorry.
Condutor: Train's leaving, ma'am.
Mark: We're right together.
Susan: Mark, you are my best friend, I don't know how I'm going to make it without you.
Mark: Don't go.
Susan: I have to. I don't belong here anymore, I have a new life, it's going in a
different direction!
Mark: Susan, I don't want to lose you.
Condutor: Ma'am we're leaving
Susan: I'll never forget you. I do love you.
Mark: What?
Susan: I love you! Bye.
Doug: He still hasn't told her how he feels.
Carol: She knows. She wants to be just friends
Doug: Yeah, but that's not the way I want it.
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