ER: Diálogos - Ask Me No Questions. I'll Tell You No Lies

Ask Me No Questions, I'll Tell You No Lies

Caso você possua algum diálogo deste episódio e queira que ele apareça aqui por favor envie-o para o meu e-mail.

Enfermeira de SO: Thin your bacon in a 400 degree oven for an hour...Fresh rosemary, a little pepper...clove of garlic under the skin...

Enfermeira: You might want to visualize setting up, your intern's late.
Benton: What size gloves does she wear?
Enfermeira: I don't keep a chart.

Benton: Carter, you're late!
Carter: Two minutes!
Benton: Do you know what size gloves she wears?
Carter: Size seven and a half, no powder.

Carol: A man pushes a vacuum cleaner at a force of 76 newtons at a 45 degree angle. He pushes the vacuum cleaner a distance of 5 meters. How much work has he done? Huh. Let's start with the improbability of a man pushing a vacuum cleaner.
William: Work equals force times distance.
Carol: I thought work equaled one half of mb squared.
William: It's both!
Carol: Oh, God, I'm never gonna pass.
William: It's just a midterm.

Doug: Okay, the daily specials are..
Randi: have a lot of gas pains in 2, hemroids in 3, it's a below-the-belt kind of day.

(Reação de Doug por causa da reunião)
Doug: Starring Weaver and the sound of her own voice: a love story.

(Benton está revisando as partes do corpo)
Carter: You know this stuff cold.
Benton: Only if Keaton thinks so.

(Sobre reunião)
Randi: Dr. Greene called this one.
Doug: Mark called a meeting?
Randi: Do I look delusional?

Lydia: They have to give me time off for my honeymoon, it's not like I get married every year!
Connie: Just every other year.

Malik: Gant is screaming for a suture kit.
Haleh: I put it right under his nose. That child could use a honeymoon!

(sobre Mark)
Carol: How's he doing?
Doug: Put it this way - he called a staff meeting.
Carol: Mark Greene?
Doug: Yep.
Carol: Glasses, receding hairline, broken heart?
Doug: That's the one.

(Mark designou uma cor a todos os membros do ER)
Mark: Of course, green is taken.

(A cor azul foi designada para Doug mas ele não parece muito feliz.)
Mark: Doug, you got a problem with that?
Doug: Uh, no, just call me Mr. Blue.

(após a reunião)
E. Ray: Did I miss something?
Haleh: You're not the one who's missing something!
Lydia: It's going to be a long day...

(Alguem derramou suco em alguns prontuários)
Lydia: Wonder who drinks guava juice.

Doug para Mark: Chart was very nice, very colorful.

Mark: No, everything else is fine.
Doug: If you ever want to talk . . .
Mark: Everything else is fine

Doug: Luck of the draw, no peds.
Mark: Are you aware that the adult physiology is remarkably similar to the pediatric?

(Doug não muito entusiamado para trabalhar)
Doug: I don't know if I'm color-coordinated enough.

Carol: Doug, can you help me out here? If a red quark is attracted to an antired quark, is it a gluon or a mason?
Doug: Thank you, Carol. Point out something else I know nothing about.

Abby: How late are you on, Dr. Carter?
Carter: Late...not
Abby: Big plans?
Carter: No...well...maybe. Just dinner...eating.
Abby: I was thinking of Indian food myself.
Shirley: Indian?
Carter: You got a problem, Shirley? You got a problem with Indian food?
Abby: Oh I'm sure she doesn't, do you, Shirley? Good for the sinuses. That spices they use
Whoa, hold still, please! Maybe I'll just order in. Rent a movie.
Carter: My VCR's broken. Which is probably why I won't do that a movie, that is. Tonight.
Abby: So maybe you'll just eat and call it a day?
Carter: Yeah, that's probably what I should do. Just....  study.... Prep for tomorrow.

(Carol não quer as enfermeiras do ER indo para outras areas.)
O cara do orçamento: What am I supposed to tell them?
Carol: You tell them it's like triage - critical cases come first.

(Jeanie tenta mudar de assunto após Mark perguntar sobre a situação de HIV dela)
Jeanie: Listen, I got to get this suture kit to Gant, he is just swamped
Mark: Jeanie, that's a central line kit.
Jeanie: You're right! (sorri nervosamente) Thank you.

Paciente: It doesn't give me heartburn. I know heartburn.
Doug: I bet you do.

Doug: Are you on any medication?
Paciente: Of course I am - I'm 73!

(Kerry lida com a situação de Jeanne um pouco mais racionalmente)
Mark: I guess I'm just a little surprised by your lack of concern.
Kerry: It's a lack of alarm, Mark, there's a big difference.

Morganstern: Browning...Keats...Oh, they're all a bunch of hotheads anyway!

<em uma cirurgia>
Morganstern: It was poetry! It was a sonnet! It was practically a haiku!

Carter para Abby: You're not sleeping with Anspaugh...are you?

(Keaton está indo para o Paquistão para ensinar cirurgia pediatrica)
Carter: Don't they need that kind of help in, say, Indianapolis?

<sobre a viagem de: Abby para o Pakistan>
Abby: Anyway, it's only for 4 months.
Carter: I thought you said 6.
Abby: Well it could be 6.
Carter: Which means it could be a year, could be five years, next thing you know, you're Mother Theresa...

Abby: Why don't we keep having fun, all right?
Carter: Okay. Same kind of fun, right?
Keaton: Same kind of fun.

Carol: It's downsizing in sheep's clothing! I should've spent the time studying! I still don't know iodine from co-seno.

(Carol queria saber como Doug conseguiu passar no exame)
Doug: Well they told us we could bring one sheet to the exam with all the formulas on it..
Carol: Yeah?
Doug: I brought in a really big sheet.

Mark: Have you seen Weaver?
Randi: Uh...what color is she?
Mark: Never mind!

Natalie (Paciente Pediatrico): Can you just give me the amoxicillin? I have a play date.

(Abby sendo iniciada na tradição da família de family)
Abby: So, what kind of movie do you want to get? I was thinking maybe a comedy. Or maybe a comedy.
Carter: Forget it. Tonight, you are going to participate in a long-standing Carter family tradition.
Abby: Sounds painful.
Carter: Every year at about this time, the intrepid Carter male goes into the woods, picks out the perfect douglas fir tree and with his own strong Protestant hands, he cuts it down.
Abby: We're going to cut down a tree?
Carter: Not just any tree  - the Carter family Christmas tree.
Abby: Oh, oh I do not saw afterhours!
Carter: Don't worry, that's my job.

Benton: Carter, don't you have something to do?

Doug: That's it, I'm done! I'm going to lunch.
Randi: Here... ear pain in 4.
Doug: Okay, I'm not going to lunch!

(Para Carter sobre Gant)
Carol: You've got 4 patients on your service, he's got 20.

(Sobre porque Al foi para o County para ser tratado)
Al: I know the doctors here.
Jeanie: I know the doctors here!

Al: Living with AIDS is one thing, but knowing I gave it to you . . . there's no pill for that. I just have to face it, every day.

(Conni e Haleh dando suas sugestões sobre cores para Mark)
Conni: I don't see Weaver as a yellow, I see her as more in the red family.
Haleh: Yeah, something in burnt siena.
Conni: Lavender is too pastel for Doyle.
Haleh: Yeah, she's more like an eggplant.
Mark: Are you redecorating my board?
Haleh: Eh, sort of constructive criticism.

Kerry: What the hell are you doing?
Mark: I could ask you the same thing!

Kerry: Nice try, Mark, but there's no excuse for what you did.

<Mark quer falar com Ansplaugh.>
Ansplaugh: Is this gonna give me acid reflux? If it is, wait 'til I'm done.

(Alguém no ER pode ser HIV positivo)
Anspaugh: We're not going to race at it like a herd of buffalo!

Anspaugh: Right now, it's just suspicion, Dr.Greene, and please, don't correct me if I'm wrong.

(sobre os garotos mordidos por um morceo)
Carol: Their stories changed when they found out they were going to get shots.

Doug: We don't have a bat?
Carol: No bat.
Professor: I threw it out the window.
Carol: I'm gonna go start some charts.
Doug: (parado na frente do professor)
Professor: It was flapping . . . and drooling . . .

(Keaton acha que Benton esta um pouco entusiasmado demais)
Keaton: Focus on what's in front of you. You have a five-year residency in front of you. It's a marathon, not a sprint!

(Mark e Kerry discordando sobre tudo)
Kerry: Carol made the right call.
Mark: Yeah, well they're Peter's interns. He's decision.
Kerry: Anyway, he's perked his esophagus.
Mark: Well, we all knew that one.

Doug: Next time you see a bat, what are you going to do?

Doug: Mr. . . Wilder, It's time for your shot.
Mr. Wilbur (professor): Me? I barely touched the thing!
Doug: Well, show you that rabies are not a thing to mess with.
um garoto: Can we watch?

(Keaton acha que Benton deveria falar para Carter que ele está indo bem)
Keaton: It's very easy to get discouraged in a vacuum.

Carol: You can smell snow coming, it has a smell.
Doug: Smells like burritos.

Carol: What are we going to do about Mark?
Doug: Put him on a plane, or get him killed?

Carol: Oh!!... You'll be violating the guy code.
Doug: Guy code?
Carol: Of non-communication.

(Sobre o comportamento de Mark)
Carol: Well, we can't just let him self destruct.
Doug: He gets it out of his system. Stomps around, acts like a jerk, then he comes back.
Carol: Yeah, but will he have any friends left?

Jeanie: Can I speak to you? I am treating a patient that you have neglected! Do you have any idea how much pain she's in?
Mark: Yeah, well when I assign you to an area, that's where you go.
Jeanie: That's how it works, you make the rules?
Mark: Yeah, that's how it works!
Jeanie: And you get to break them by going into my files?
Mark: I requested that information under the spousal report law.
Jeanie: That's a lot of crap, Mark. You wanted to know, so you found out, it was completely unethical!
Mark: Oh, you want to talk about ethics? How about you lying to me?
Jeanie: Oh, I guess the truth is out now, huh?
Mark: You should've come to me from the beginning.
Jeanie: Why? So I could lose my job sooner?
Mark: No, so I could've dealt with the situation appropriately.
Jeanie: No, it's better this way. You know about me and I know a helluva lot more about you.

Randi: It's not the flu!
Doug: I'm not saying anything.
Randi: It's allergies!
Doug: I didn't say a thing.

Gant: Look. I know you tried to help me.... but you didn't.... made it worse
Carter: I'm sorry.
Gant: The best thing you can do for me is just leave me alone.
Carter:: Humm... ummm

(Doug e Mark estão indo para casa)
Mark: I don't know why I was worried about where I'm gonna live - I'm never there.

Mark: I'm sorry today I was...what was I today?
Doug: A vicious, humorless, pain in the ass.

(As coisas mudaram desde que Susan partiu)
Mark: It's not fun there.
Doug: It was fun once?

Mark: I used to think of this as a family! Didn't it feel like that?
Doug: Yeah, well you've gotta remember my idea of family is a little screwed up.

Doug: Mark, it's okay to miss her, you know.

(Benton decide cumprimentar Carter, só que Carter está em seu carro esperando por Keaton.)
Benton: You need to work on some things. Like focus.
Carter (distraido porque Keaton está se aproximando): . . . focus?

(Carter e Keaton estão cortando um pinheiro.)
Keaton: Let me turn you into a little snowman . . . .

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Compilado por: Marcos Benites
Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000