ER: Diálogos - Fortune's Fools

Post Mortem

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<O que a polícia pensa sobre a morte de Gant?>
Ansplaugh: I don't believe they've come to *any* conclusion yet.

Carter: You mean, if it *was* a suicide?

Ansplaugh: Bring the body back home to . . . <não lembrando>
Carter: Atlanta.

<Preparando-se para um trauma.>
Carole: Get ready for our next guest . . .

Carter: We got a third victim - I need to steal Malik.
Malik: Be my guest.

<O beep do monitor começa a soar.>
Benton: Whose monitor is that?
Carol: Ours!

Carter: You know, I don't see why anybody's blaming you.
Benton: Why would they?

<O psiquiatra sugere a Ross para que fique longe de Charlie.>
Ross: I'm a doctor!
Psiquiatra: And her guardian angel.

Psiquiatra: Charlie's armor's in good shape - how's yours?

Haleh: Oh, boy, I hate to see them fall.

Ross: Any confusion?
Charlie: What year is it? December 1995, according to this "hot" magazine you gave me. Did you know Michael and Lisa Marie are splitting up?

Mark: It's not roses.
Chuny: It's a beauty.

Carol: What are you rebelling against?
Chuny: What'cha got?
Carol: Weaver without a chart in curtain two.
Chuny: Oh.

<A policia já tem uma conclusão sobre a morte deGant>
Carter: Easier on everyone, but maybe not the truth.

Ross: I'll give it a shot, if I'm not stepping on your toes.
Assistente Social: Stomp away - we're all looking for the same thing here.

Carter: You can be sure he never received a word of encouragement from you.

Mark: You don't like the roses?

Oftamologista: You have a very nice daughter.
Ross: Not my daughter.
Charlie: Just a joke!

Ross: Charlie, if I were ready, you'd be first on my list.
Charlie: You've used that line on women, haven't you?
Ross: <ri.>

Conselheirar: There's a survivor's guilt that comes with any unexpected death.
Carter: Maybe I feel guilty because I am.

Carol: It's not that simple. County's got to find the money somewhere.
Chuny: Well, they can check my bank account - it's not there.

Ross <para Mark>: I'd love to, but you're not my type.

Carol: I could get used to being closed to trauma.
Carter: I keep looking for something to do.

Sr. Gant: You have to be tough. Life is.

Sr. Gant: I didn't raise a quitter. I hope he didn't disappoint you.

<sobre o encontro de Jeannie.>
Kerry: Go. Have fun. I expect to hear all about it tomorrow.

Jeannie: But, Greg, I'm HIV-Positive.
Greg: Oh.

<sobre a morte de Gant>
Edson: What a shocker. Think he pulled a Cobain?

<Benton ajuda na preparação para um trauma>
Benton: Anybody check the battery on the laryngoscope?
Weavere Carol: Done.

Amigo do paciente: We got to the "Do you take" part, and BOOM!

Carter: I need to do a central line.
Benton: What do you want me to do, Carter, hold your hand?

<sobre o que Anspaugh quer falar com Carter>
Benton: Why? Were there any blue team interns on the El tracks?

Psiquiatra: <para Ross> She's a kid you went out of your way to help who hates your guts.

Haleh: This is just a sick-out. The pink flu. Close your ears, E Ray.
E Ray: Hey, I'm a union man.

Haleh: That's why we're not going to accept a contract that compromises patient care.
Chuny: Or screws us.
Haleh: That too.

Mark: Chuny, could you help me with this damn coffee maker?
Chuny: See? What would they do without us RNs around here?

Haleh: How many nurse-doctor flings have you known?
Conni: Including my own?
Haleh: And how many have worked out?
E Ray: The real problem is she's got a grand trine in fire and his sun's in Pisces.

<sobre a gripe>
Haleh: I heard something was going around.
Carol: Well something's going around all right. Can you stay?
Haleh: I'm sorry Carol. I'm coming down with it myself.

Charlie: If I go blind, can they still send me to the nuthouse?
Doug: That's not where you're going.
Charlie: Oh good. Then just to jail.

Mark: What makes you think we can't plan ahead?
Chuny: My last ten relationships.

Carol: What are you rebelling against, Chuny?
Chuny: What have you got?
Carol: Weaver, without a chart, curtain three.
Chuny: Oops. I got distracted. All his fault.

Carol: She's great.
Mark: Yeah.
Carol: You heard from Susan?
Mark: If you think I'm just overreacting to Susan leaving, you're dead wrong.
Carol <cética>: I'm dead wrong.

<na cirurgia>
Carter: How'd it go? Best man pull through?
Benton: Yeah. Lost his spleen.

<A Dra. Hicks pergunta como Gant estava indo no hospita>
Benton: I don't think Gant was prepared to handle an urban trauma center.
Carter: Then why did you give him a positive progress report?
Benton: Sorry?
Carter: You heard me. Why did you praise him for his improved technical skills and initiative in his second review?
Hicks: Perhaps at another time.
Benton: No actually I gave that review to Gant before he had some recent backsliding and I wasn't even aware that he received that evaluation.
Carter: Well he didn't. It came today. You can be sure that he never received any encouraging or supportive word from you.
Hicks: Candy, take over suctioning. You're excused, Dr. Carter.
Carter: All he ever got from you was harping and criticism. And now he's dead, and you're going to have to face it. My apologies, Dr. Hicks.

<O progresso do relacionamento entre Mark e Chuny>
Chuny: Yeah, but in my family if a man sends flowers two times in one week, the only thing left is conversion to Catholicism, marriage, and seven kids.
Mark: Should I be looking over my shoulder for your father with a shotgun?
Chuny: No. My brother Julio, he packs a .45.

<A admisitratação discute como cuidar da greve das enfermeiras>
Mary: I've rounded up some private duty nurses off the registry and also some private duty nurses are going to cover.
Carol: Oh boy.

Doug: Why did you tell Dr. Zivoya that?
Charlie: That you're my dad?
Doug: Yep.
Charlie: You're old enough.

<fazendo testes de uma doeça infecciosa>
Greg: I'm an old-fashioned labrat. I like to do it myself.

<Mark discute os seus planos para o dia dos namorados>
Mark: What do you think -- Chop House for valentine's Day?
Doug: Mark, I'd love to, but you're not my type.

Mark: So they going to send Charlie home with her mom?
Doug: There's a cooling off period where the DCFS tries to figure out which end is up.

<sobre conhecimento de astronomia>
Jeanie: Well, my fifth grade science projects was on comets so I'm pretty much an expert.

<Após Carter sair da sala de trauma>
Carter: I knew Dennis was having a hard time. I knew he was in trouble. But I was too busy and I just didn't want to get dragged down. I didn't listen.
Mark: You're in the middle of your first year of residency. You're working at an inhuman pace.
Carter: Why am I doing it again?
Mark: Because you are trying to learn a job where lives are at stake.
Carter: I couldn't save Dennis' life, though, did I?
Mark: You don't know that you could have.
Carter: I know that I wasn't much of a friend.

<sobre Carol ter colocado o tipo de sangue errado no infusor>
Kerry: If you'd been alone cleaning up, you could've thrown the empty bag into the hazardous wastes and be done with it.
Mark: That's true.
Carol: Yeah, but I'd still have to look at myself in the mirror every day.

<Após o serviço funebre de Gant>
Carter: I want to apologize, Dr. Hicks, about what happened earlier in surgery.
Hicks: You already did.

<sobre Benton duro com Gant>
Sr. Gant: You have to be tough. Life is. I wasn't entirely convinced that my boy should've chosen such an ambitious specialty, but I didn't raise a quitter. I hope he didn't disappoint you.
Benton: No, your son worked very hard and I think he, he would've made an excellent surgeon.

<Kerry informa Jeanie que Greg não é gay>
Kerry: Oh my God, Greg Fisher is one of the most eligible heterosexuals in Chicago.
Jeanie: So he thinks it's a date?
Kerry: It is a date.
Jeanie: I can't go.

Carol: Have you seen E Ray?
Jeanie: I think he's helping one of the temp nurses.
Carol: Oh.
Jeanie: Not with a patient, he's helping her with her astrological chart.

Jeanie: I'm afraid I'm not hearty enough for astronomy.
Greg: Or crazy enough.

<Carter encontra Benton enquanto espera pelo trem.>
Benton: I know I was hard on Gant, but I thought that was the best way for him to learn.
Carter: And I don't blame you, no more than I blame myself. I just feel like I have been walking around with this secret, and you're the only person who knows it. And you won't admit to it.

<Benton fala sobre as suas reuniões escolares>
Benton: A third of the guys are in prison, and I bet another third are dead, you know you hear about this one and that one over the years. But this night, I'm just struck by the sheer numbness. I don't know what to think of Gant's death. But Carter, I don't need you to tell me how I feel.
Carter: You want to go through this alone? You want to make this into something that I don't know about? I guess you can. We'll both keep our distance, we'll both do our work. Pretend like nothing happened. We're good at that. Look what that did for Dennis Gant.

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000