Fortune's Fools
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Mark: I gotta ask you something in confidence . . .
Doug: Good morning to you, too!
Mark: You've got experience in this, now how do I end this?
Mark: You know what? You're frightening.
Doug: Yup.
Ansplaugh: I was just reminding Kerry . . .
Weaver: It's prospective intern day.
Mark: How could I forget?
<Cuidando de um garoto que levou um tiro de um policial>
Lydia: Maybe this'll teach him not to shoot cops!
Mark: Chuny
Chuny: Mark
Mark: You go first.
Carol: I don't want a cup of coffee, and I don't want to sit down!
Carol: This isn't labor politics, Mary - a man *died*!
Mary: I'm sorry, Carole.
Carole: I *killed* a man, and nobody around here seems to give a damn!
Mark: Most mature break-up of my entire life.
Doug: Congrats.
<Conduzindo os internos>
Weaver: The admitting desk is the heart of the ER . . .
<liderando o seu grupo>
Mark <para o seu grupo>: So you guy's wanna play doctor? Let's go.
Sargento: Bring me a chocolate frostie in the morning, if it's okay.
Conni: If you bring a dozen for us.
Carol: What, do you think I'm lying to you?
Haleh: I don't know, Carole.
Weaver <para os internos>: Let's pretend we're a urine sample and see what happens.
<Mark envolvendo os estudantes do seu grupo em um diagnóstico.>
Ghander (estudante): I thought we were taking a tour . . .
Mark: Consider it interactive.
Sargento: They used to have those dances here . . . blue and whites, you know, cops and nurses.
Hicks: Just because Peter's stuck in neutral doesn't mean you have to be.
<Tratando de um garoto que insiste em ser Superman>
Doug: Anybody have X-Ray vision? No? Well, then we'll have to get radiology to look at it.
Paciente: How long will it take to heal?
Mark: About six weeks.
Paciente: Well, there go the playoffs . . . wanna go out with me?
Weaver: Not to worry, Mr. Cliff, relief is on the way.
Policial: I got shot in the leg - the rest of me is fine!
Doug <para Mark>: Are you dating a patient? Do the words "Exxon Valdez" mean anything to you?
Doug: Find Superman?
Malik: Not yet.
Doug: Keep looking.
Benton: So, when were you going to tell me?
Carla: When I was sure I had something to tell you!
Benton: I'll - I'll call you, right?
Carla: Yeah.
Mark: How's it goin'?
Carole: Wow, somebody who'll talk to me. Must not have gotten the memo.
<em um trauma.>
Weaver: Should they be in here?
Mark: My students, my call.
Mark: You ever bring somebody back to life?
Estudante: No.
Mark: Get over here.
Carter: The next time you feel like ruining my career, I would appreciate a warning!
Hicks: So, should I be worried about Peter?
Carter: What do you mean?
Hicks: Don't play dumb, it doesn't suit you.
Jeannie: Are You always this arrogant, or is it just me?
Greg: It's just you.
Benton: Since when did I start caring about what you do, Carter?
Carter: Never.
Carter: You know that surgery today? Everything I did, you taught me.
Heather: Can I ask you a hypothetical question?
Mark: Can we dispense with hypotheticals?
Mark : So how many people know about me and Chuny Marquez?
Doug : Including the cleaning girl?
Mark : So, it's everyone?
Doug : That would be an understatement.
Mark : I mean, it's nice, but we've kinda run out of things to talk about.
Doug : And you want out.
Mark : I think that would be best.
Doug : You covered the spread.
Mark : Huh?
Doug : The office pool. I had you for next week but what's five bucks for a friend's
Doug : You gotta just relax, then they just droop and fall off.
Mark : That sounds ominous.
Carter <para Benton !!!> : You're late.
Mark : Happiness is having a full nursing staff. I hope everyone is feeling healthy.
Lydia : Peachy.
Cara do Cemitério : Well, he might be one of these in here. I *think* we buried them last.
Mark : Sergeant Mattimore? Welcome to the Purple Hearts Club.
Mattimore : Thanks.
Chuny : My mother was disappointed you couldn't make it to dinner last night.
Mark : Work, you know.
Chuny : My brothers - they're starting to doubt your intentions.
Mark : All five of them?
Carol <para Mary> : You hung me out to dry!
Morgenstern : What's the difference between a prostate and a garden hose?
Carter : I don't know.
Morgenstern : Let me tell you. There's a *Vas Deferens*.
Carter : <suspira>
<sobre a separação>
Doug : And how'd she take it?
Mark : Oh, she's hurt, but she'll get over it in time.
Doug : Mm-hmmm. What time you got?
<Sobre o pé queimado de Sasha (cozinheiro da cefeteria)>
Mark : Ahh, pretty nasty. Normally I'd amputate, but I'm afraid you'd put it on the menu.
Heather : I mean, what if you weren't my doctor?
Mark : Then it's hypothetical?
Heather : When do you get off?
Mark : Six o'clock.
Heather : So, hypothetically...if I were at Finch's Bar on Dearborn tonight at six thirty
and you just happened to come in and have a drink, that would be legal, right?
Mark : Hypothetically, if I weren't your doctor.
Heather : Hmmm, y'know, this thumb's starting to hurt again. I think I'd like to see a
<Carol fala para Haleh o que ela deverá fazer nos próximos dias>
Haleh : That's not my job!
Carol : It is now. I've been suspended.
Mark: How are Kerry's prospectives doing?
Doug: Put a fork in 'em. They've been Weavered.
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