ER: Diálogos - Faith


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Carol: Mom?
Sra. Hathaway: Oh, did I wake you?
Carol: What are you doing?
Sra. Hathaway: Making you breakfast.

Sra. Hathaway: What test?
Carol: Medical school admissions test.
Sra. Hathaway: I thought you gave that up.
Carol: No.
Sra. Hathaway: Big commitment.
Carol: I can do it.

Sra. Hathaway: So, fine. Go be an astronaut.

Carla: You gonna marry me, Peter?
Benton: That's not what I'm saying.

Carla: So, that's what this is about? Money?
Benton: That and other things.

<Discutindo a cirurgia de Benton>
Doug: You know, when the hair starts to grow back, that's when the itch gets really bad.

Conni: Oh, man, I do not want to walk the picket line.
Lily: Not in February.

<Paciente com a síndrome de down >
Paramedico: Sweet, scared, held my hand all the way over.

<Carol é readmitida . . .>
Carol: That's it?
Mary: You'd prefer a public flogging?

<Jeanne quer que Greg vá a opera com ela>
Greg: La Boehme?
Jeanne: You don't have to say it like it's some sort of new drug- resistant bacteria.

Hicks: No post-operative depression?
Benton: No.
Hicks: No depression of any kind?

Kayson: Take it up with the committee. Other than that, send her home.
Maggie: Nice guy.

Haleh: Carol, you back?
Carol: Yeah.
Haleh: Thank you, Jesus!

Haleh: I didn't do that bad of a job!
Conni: No, you did worse than bad.

Carol: I'm sorry to disappoint your expectations, but I'm fine.

Chuny: Malibu Barbie was my favorite, too.
Mark: I was always partial to Ken.
Maggie (para Chuny?): I'm with you - Ken's nothing but trouble.

Carol: You miss me?
Doug: You'll never know.

Nina: Don't patronize me, Mark.

<paciente com a síndrome de down >
Nina: She's a 120-pound eight-year-old, Mark.

<em uma mesa no parque>
Jeanne: This dip is frozen solid.
Greg: It's pate'.
Jeanne: It's a brick.
Greg: I think we should sleep together.
Jeanne: What?
Greg: Sex. I think we should have some. In fact, I think we should have a lot.

Greg: Jeanne Boulet, will you please sleep with me?

Haleh: Want me to page Hicks?
Carter: God, no!

Hicks: It's a good story - what's wrong?
Carter: I think Ansplaugh's wrong.
Hicks: So, you have a better story?

Carter: Dr. Ansplaugh, can I assist?
Ansplaugh: Assist? You're going to do it!

Mark: Who's her friend?
Maggie: That's my brother.

Mark: Nina, thank you.

Jed's mom: Where are you going?
Jed: Anywhere but home.

Mark: She will die.
Mãe de Louise: We all die, doctor.

<Benton executando uma cirurgia com uma audiência de estudantes>
Benton: Does everyone know what fluoroscope is? <pausa> This is a fluoroscope.

Doug: Fine couple'a doctors we are.
Mark: Remember when we were going to change the world?
Doug: Nahhh, I was always in it for the money.

Benton: I love this place.
Hicks: You should.

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000