ER: Diálogos - Tribes


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Mark: All right, all right, time out, time out . . .

<Só mais um paciente Carol. . . >
Jerry: One more for the road . . .

<Chá de estramônio>
Paciente <com a mão dentro das calças>: Nurse, it hurts when I do this . . .
Weaver: Well, don't do that.

Paciente: You ever seen anything so pretty, Doctor?
Weaver: It's not that pretty.

<ER x Cirurgia,>
Benton: Nope, squash is my game.

Mark: Your shot, Dr. Carter.

<ER vence . . .>
Carter: Bring on your worst!

<Prêmio de perdedor para Carter.>
Paciente: Surgeon, what kind of surgeon?
Mark: A young one.

Paramédico: Two GSW's, hope you're in the mood.

<O prêmio de Carter.>
Carter: What about this guy?
Mark: It's GOMER tag and you're it.

Irmão de um Paciente: Yo! Black man! You a doctor?

Carter: So, after you choked on the chili fry . . .
Paciente: Who said anything about choking?
Carter: You.

Carla (para Jeanie): I'm Carla Reeves . . . .girlfriend, I gotta pee.

Chris: What you saw? Just another shot nigger, that's what you saw!

Mark: In English that means he's doing well.

<O prêmio de Carter.>
Carter: No, you saw her today. Chili-fry indigestion.

<Escutando Carter falando no telefone.>
Mark: Go, Johnny, go!

Mark: What's going on?
Jerry: The natives are restless.
Conni: I heard that.
Jerry: They live around here; they're natives.
Conni: That's not what you meant.

<sobre Rachael>
Mark: Why doesn't she stay with me?
Jenn: How are you going to do that and work?
Mark: You do it.

<O prêmio de Carter>
Paciente: You sure you're a surgeon?
Carter: Sometimes, I'm not sure myself.

Paramédico: So what's the new way of saying 'handicapped'?
Weaver: Person with a disability.

Chris: You think you know my life?
Mark: It's my life, too! I see these gunshot wounds every day!

<O prêmio de Carter.>
Patient: Don't forget me.
Carter: How could I?

Lydia: Dr. Ross? Collision at second base.

Mark: So, he doesn't want to be admitted, and he can't pay if he is.
Weaver: That would be the glass-is-half-empty view.

Ross: Carter's on fire!
Mark: He's better with his scalpel than with his hook shot.

<Weaver oferecendo remédio a um paciente para que ele concorde em ir para desintoxicação.>
Patient: You tryin' to bribe me?
Weaver: Do you want it?

<tentando fazer uma IV em Carla, que tem medo de agulhas.>
Jeanne: You want to tell me where you are?
Carla: Can't. It's X-Rated.
Jeanne: In that case, keep it to yourself.

Carla: Girlfriend, you have the touch.

Lily: Carter needs you in here, his patient's crashing!
Mark: What patient?
Lily: You know . . . the chili fry lady.

Hicks: It's not about ambition, Peter, it's about healing people.

Doug: Mark, you're the least cynical ER doctor I know.

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000