ER: Diálogos - Make a Wish

Make a Wish

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<Sobre a segurança no ER>
Anna: They almost withheld my photo ID because I didn't know my stepmother's maiden name. Who knows their stepmother's maiden name?
Carol: Wow, They didn't cut too much slack on that picture either.

Weaver: Randi, Can you get these over to Radiology?
Randi: Now?
Weaver: Unless you're doing something urgent that I can't quite see.

<Sobre o novo forno de micro ondas que Jeanie comprou>
Jeanie: I know. I'm sorry, I was wrong. Now just come back over here.
Al: This is nice. I mean, this is really nice.

Benton: You should of called me.
Coburn: I just did. Hoping that you might want to participate in the birth of your child. If that's what you'd like to do, I suggest that you gown up and get in here.

Randi: Dr. Greene. You look... great.

<Peter apoiando Carla durante o parto>
Benton: Oh come on, Carla, Breathe!
Carla: Don't do this to me, Dammit.

<Coburn irritada com Peter na hora do parto de Carla>
Coburn: You hold her hand. You help her breathe. You help her focus. That's your only job here, ok? Now get over there and help the mother of your child.

Benton: Are you a resident?
Anna: Yes, that would be correct.
Coburn: How many deliveries did you attend over there, Dr. Del Amico?
Anna: I stopped counting around 200.

Carter: No, it's funny. My whole life is just one big fun fest. Anspaugh hates me. Benton looks at me like I'm some kind of alien.
Carol: Well, I think those things are in your favor, actually.
Carter: Right? Thank you. So when you were thinking about med school.You were really willing to start everything over. All that work.
Carol: As opposed to the your 5, 6 more years of surgical residency you've got ahead of you?
Carter: I guess I see your point.

<Péssimas notícias para Peter>
Tabash: Now, what you need to know. What you need to share with this child's mother is at the moment the baby is stable but critically ill. Probably has a serious infection in his blood.
And we don't know if his lungs can provide enough oxygen to sustain life. And unfortunately, we have no choice but to wait and see how he responds to the present therapy. Let's see how
he's doing in an hour, and that's when we should talk again. What's your son's name, Dr. Benton?
Benton: He doesn't have one.

<Ross explicando para Carol porque ninguém lembrou do seu aniversário)
Doug: Ok, What's the one reason why you don't wish someone Happy Birthday when it is their birthday
Carol: Oh, God. Because they are planning a surprise birthday.

Randi: Don't keep the patients waiting. They might get angry and beat you up. Dr. Greene is on a bit of a rampage about that.
Weaver: He'll settle back in. He needs just a couple more days.

Doug: Child in pain. Music to my ears.

<Falando com Benton>
Jeanie: You do have friends. A community. I hope everything will be alright. And you need to stop standing in the hall.

Doug: Russell, I'll tell you what we're going to do, buddy...
Russell: <gritando>
Carol: I'll just get that lollipop.
Doug: Yeah...

Carter: Mr. Linsky. I'm trying to help you here. But I can't help you if you leave, and I can't help if you won't tell me what the problem is.

Benton: That's a hell of a choice. How do I make that decision?
Tabash: Dr. Benton, I wish I could answer that question for every parent I talk to every single day

<Sobre um paciente que não deseja ir para cirurgia>
Anspaugh: You think this is about what he wants?
Carter: Yeah, I guess. A little bit.
Anspaugh: Well you're wrong, Carter. This job is about determining what a patient needs and the best way for us as surgeons to meet that need, and as surgeons, we cut.
Carter: Dr. Anspaugh, as a doctor, if I can find a way to do what my patient wants that's medically acceptable then that's what I think I should do, and I don't believe I should cut somebody open just because I can.
Anspaugh: It bothers me Carter that this patient is willing to risk death rather than undergo a simple surgical procedure, but you know, it bothers me even more that you are so willing to
help him do that.

Nina: Mark, I don't like you trying to cover with me.
Greene: I don't like you trying to be a shrink with me.

Benton: Today was the first day I was ever really afraid.
Coburn: I'm glad to hear that, Peter.

<Sobre a festa surpresa que preparam para ela>
Carol: Oh God. I hate you for this.
Doug: Worked out well, don't you think?

Jeanie: I think this is the nicest thing you've ever done for me.
Al: That's pretty pathetic.

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000