ER: Diálogos - One More For The Roads

One More For The Roads

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Jeanie: Honey.
Al: Hey.
Jeanie: What are you doing?
Al: Watching you sleep.
Jeanie: For how long?
Al: I don't know.
Jeanie: It's raining.
Al: You're beautiful.

<Carter querendo mudar de area de atuação>
Anspaugh: Are you intentionally trying to irritate me, Dr. Carter.
Carter: No sir.
Anspaugh: Then speak up.
Carter: I've been contemplating leaving the surgical program. I've been considering it for quite some time and I feel that I've made an error in selecting surgery as my specialty. For the most part the training has been excellent but I just feel that ultimately, I don't belong in surgery, and I would suspect that you would agree with me.
Anspaugh: I certainly do not.
Carter: You don't.
Anspaugh: You entered into a contract, doctor. A contract with this institution. We agreed to give you the finest surgical training available in the nation, in exchange for 6 years of
your best effort.
Carter: I understand that, I understand that, but I just think that...
Anspaugh: I do not give a damn what you think. This is not summer camp.You can not just run home to mommy. You're going to suck it up and stick to it. That's what men do.
Carter: But I...
Anspaugh: Are we communicating here?
Carter: Yeah...
Anspaugh: Good. If I ever hear this kind of crap coming out of your mouth again, the only kind of medecine you'll be practicing is picking out a cough supressant for yourself down at the

Carol: Was your Dad independently wealthy?
Anna: Mailman.

Greene: Don't forget the low-tech approach. Give him an aspirin.

Doug: Hey, Carol.
Carol: Yeah.
Doug: Someone may call you. I put you down as a charcater reference.
Carol: You're kidding, right?
Doug: It's this Big brother thing.
Carol: The thing with the kids?
Doug: One kid.
Carol: You don't see enough here?

Doug: Yeah, Toby. Good. He's a great guy.
Conni: A little lacking in hair department.
Chuny: Except for his arms. You ever seen his arms?

Carter: He's coming in from a nursing home?
Jeanie: No. His wife has been taking care of him at home.
Carter: Not very well.

<Consultando Kerry sobre a sua mudança de area>
Carter: That's Ok. You don't have to pay me.
Weaver: You don't need a salary?
Carter: No, no. I'm fine.

<Doug discutindo com Anna sobre os procedimentos com um paciente>
Doug: Dr. Del Amico, you want to put a 8 yr old boy through a painful orthopedic procedure on the remote possibility that he's suffering from a rare diagnosis that your tests do not even  indicate.
Anna: You know what? If you want to gamble with your patient's lives,that's fine, but don't do it with mine.

<A volta de Charlie ao ER>
Anna: I don't need Ross down here holding my hand.
Carol: I didn't call him down here to babysit, she's a patient of his.Her name is Charlie.

<Sobre Charlie>
Anna: How old?
Doug: 14.
Carol: Going on 40.

<Distutindo sobre quem atende o telefone>
Jeanie: Is someone going to get the phone?
E.Ray: I got it last time.
Jerry: You did not.
E.Ray: Did to.
Jerry: You never answer the phone.
E.Ray: I always answer it.

<Sobre Mark>
Doug: So did Mark bust that chair in the lounge?
Carol: Yeah. Smashed the coffee pot. Bunch of mugs. It was a real mess.

<Sobre o pedido de Carter para transferir-se para o ER>
Weaver: You should have warned me about Dr. Anspaugh.
Carter: What happened?
Weaver: he wouldn't even discuss it.
Carter: I'm sorry... I thought that maybe you could turn him around.
Weaver: Well, personally I would love to have you in emergency medecine but whatever your difficulties with Dr. Anspaugh are, you've got to solve them yourself.

<Charlie perguntando sobre Anna>
Charlie: Who's the cheerleader?
Doug: It's Dr. Del Amico. She took care of you when you first came in.
Charlie: She the one who ruined my high?
Doug: Hm-hmm
Charlie: I like her.

<Ross recusando-se a prescrever um receita para Mark e aconselhando-o a procurar ajuda.>
Doug: So I hear you had a meltdown today. You picked a fight with the lounge.
Greene: Yeah.
Doug: Feel better?
Greene: Not really.
Doug: Mark, I'm not going to write you that prescription for the Percodan. I think you've got to get some help.
Greene: I'm fine.
Doug: Taking the chair to the lounge is not fine.
Greene: It's never happened to you, Doug. You don't know. I'll get someone else to write me the Percodan.

Benton: You're saying I was that calculating as a kid.
Jackie: Mommy thought so. Me, I think Daddy was right. You were harder on yourself than any of us could have ever been.

Benton: I can't handle it.
Jackie: Sure you can. You'll have to. That's your son up there, Peter.The world is hard sometimes. It can't always go the way you want it to go.

<Anspaugh ameaçando Carter>
Anspaugh: Rounds are a requisite for this program, Doctor.
Carter: So is patient care.
Anspaugh: You come to rounds today, or don't ever come to rounds again.
Carter <gritando>: I'LL BE THERE IF AND WHEN I CAN.
Anspaugh: All right, Doctor.

E.Ray: It must be incredible. Making a difference in people's lives.
Greene: Good night, E Ray.

<Doug e Anna saem a procura de Charlie>
Doug: So, what are we doing out here?
Anna: She reminds me of somebody.
Doug: Who's that?
Anna: Me.

<Sobre Jeanie ter voltado para Al>
Jeanie: I'm happier than I've ever been. How can that be?
Kerry: And that's because of Al.
Jeanie: No, it's because of me. I'm not afraid anymore.
Kerry: Of death?
Jeanie: Of living my life. I see things now I didn't see before. I know what's important. I know what isn't. You know, I've been in love with Al Boulet since the first time I saw him. I was 16 years old. And I know he's been in love with me.

<Mark resistindo a uma tentativa de assalto no metro>
Greene: Back up! Back off!
Hey Hey Hey Be cool man
Get on the train!
Get on the Train!
Be cool man.
Get back on the train!
Be cool man.
Shut up!
Be cool.
Shut up!
Be cool magic man
Shut up!
Come on magic man be cool.

<Falando para Anspaug no estacionamento do hospital quando ele esta indo embora>
Carter: I could be a competent surgeon. I could learn the techniques, the mechanics. But I'll never be a great surgeon. Dr. Anspaugh, I can be a great doctor. A doctor that spends time with his patients. Who's there for them. I'm good at it. Really good. I can make a difference in people's lives. Don't make me give it up. Please don't make me waste it.

<Na entrada da casa de Carol>
Doug: So, Toby doesn't get to come inside?
Carol: It was only the 3rd date. Toby definitely does not get to come inside. What?... What?...

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000