ER: Diálogos - Something New

Something New

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<Mark quase atropela Carter enquanto estaciona o carro na rua.>
Carter: Son-of-a-Bitch, what the hell do you think you're doing? . . . Dr. Greene?

Mark: You're in early?

Kerry: So, David, how are you feeling?
Morganstern: Morphine . . . damn fine stuff.

Morganstern: Forms, paperwork, duplicates, little perforated lines . . . tear here.

Kerry: I understand completely how you feel.
Morganstern: Sheep, sheep, it's all sheep.

<Doug está levando para Carol na cama o café da manhã.>
Doug: Ketchup or Tabasco sauce?

Doug: Can I have a drawer?
Carol: A drawer?
Doug: A drawer - you now, the things you keep clothes in. The thing I keep my clothes in.
Carol: You never wanted a drawer before.

<Morganstern coloca Kerry na direção.>
Kerry: . . . as long as you don't have a problem with that?
Mark: Only problem I'd have is if I had to do it.

Doug: Morning, Carol . . . did you sleep well?
Carole: Yes, I did, Doug.

<Al e Jeannie estão discutindo as desculpas que Al poderia dar no trabalho para poder ir ao Médico.>
Jeannie: Tell him your Grandma's sick.
Al: The old lady had a stroke. Went to her funeral last month.

<Benton diz que seu filho, pode morrer a qualquer momento.>
Carla: The sky could be falling, too!

<Carter encontra o seu novo estudante de medicina.>
George Henry: I should actually mention that I'm not that interested in working with patients.
Carter: Ahck!

<Um ferido a bala na sala de operação.>
Paciente: Somebody call my mom!
Doyle: No way - you can tell her what you've been doing yourself.

Carter: When we get in there, stand back and observe. Don't do anything.
George Henry: I don't know how to do anything.
Carter: So you said.

Mark: Henry - teaching point. She looks like a drunk, she smells like a drunk - she is a drunk.

<Mark quer que algo seja ministrado via retal.>
George Henry: Rectally?
Carter: Rectally. Glove up and dig in.

<Benton está explicando a Corday quem estará na direção de uma operação.>
Benton: So, I'll be doing more of the teaching.
Corday: <céptica> Really.

<Para um cirurgião velho, bem conhecido mas surdo.>
Corday: <gritando> I knew you were old, but I didn't know you were so short!

Candidata a recepcionista: I used to sell vitamins over the phone . . . that's sort of in the health field. <dá uma pausa> Well, not really.

<Heather, a garota de polo aquático que Mark marcou um encontro a alguns episódios passados junto com mais duas outras.>
Heather: How's your busy social calendar?
Mark: Not as busy now.

Carter: Good rule of thumb - if the patient lists more than three complaints, there's probably nothing wrong.

<Benton e Carla estão discutindo sobre qual será o sobrenome do bebê.>
Carla: What's the matter with him having his Mama's name? I'm the one that has to get up in the middle of the night!

Carla: If there wasn't a baby in the picture, could you see us as a family? . . . <Benton fica em silêncio> That's okay, neither can I.

Haleh: <sarcasticamente> God, I love this job.

<Um garoto que Doug havia diagnostica como tendo bronquite começa a vomitar grande quantidade de sangue.>
Doug: I am now officially having a bad day.

<Mark recebeu uma citação do advogado de Chris Law.>
Mark: It's a great world. First he beats me up, then he sues me.

<Um cara está circulando pelos corredores do ER verificando por coisas radioativas.>
Cara: Have you been in any of the labs today? Give me your shoes!
Carter: You're kidding, right?
Cara: No, give me your shoes!
Carter: Do you know how much did those cost?
Kerry: Give him your shoes, Carter.

<Mark encontra uma das candidatas a recepcionista na rua.>
Mark: It's yours if you want it.
Candidata: You're kidding, right . . . of course I want it!

<Carol dá a Doug algo grande e embrulhado em papel de presente.>
Doug: It's a drawer.

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000