Something New
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Carol: It's a secret romance. That's what sells bad novels.
Doug: This shouldn't be a bad novel!
Benton: I don't find those studies conclusive. I'll just teach him proper hygiene.
Doug: Don't you wear scrubs to work anymore?
Mark: I'm tired of people hitting me up for a blind diagnosis at Starbucks.
Ansplaugh: Some people feel that Dr. Morganstern's approach to management should not be
Kerry: With all due respect to Dr. Morganstern, I agree.
<Kerry acabou de saber que ela esta efetivada como chefe do ER>
Kerry: YES!
EMT: 45-year-old male, motorcycle vs. delivery truck.
Mark: Well, maybe she felt she was better-qualified to cover it.
Carter: She didn't cover it. She gave it to Dr. Del Amico, which is getting to standard
procedure around here.
<Uma paciente em coma chega no ER.>
Marido da Paciente: It's bad, isn't it? I can tell by the way you're acting.
Paciente: Better living through chemistry, eh?
<Heather quer que Mark a um banquente de medicina esportiva. Ele diz não.>
Heather: Is it me, or is it the event? I mean, does 'No' mean 'Never'?
Paciente: Glenda ... did you secure the weapons, baby?
Glenda: Yes, I did!
Paciente: Glenda ... don't let them take my leg!
Carla: I may not be your choice for mother of your child, but I don't want to be left out!
Carla: You just want your boy to look like you in the shower!
Benton: What happens to that boy's penis should be up to me!
<De volta a paciente em coma.>
Marido da Paciente: You mean it all ends here?
<Ou quem sabe não tão em coma assim. . . >
Mark: Carter, people with brain stem infarctions don't just wake up!
<Jerry acaba de explodir uma granada no estacionamento de ambulâncias.... e agora a
polícia chegou.>
Glenda: I know my rights according to your constitution!
Policial <desinteressado>: Mmm-hmm . . .
Cynthia: It's so sad when that guy looks over his whole life and there's nothing there
. . .
Mark <curto>: Yeah.
Cirurgião: So, what would you give her if she asked for a torch?
Corday <ao lado de Benton>: I've taken to saying "flashlight".
Kerry: I know it's been crazy today . . .
Corday: I like your technique.
Doug: With beds?
Corday: No, with children. You're so at ease with them.
Doug: I'm - ah, involved with someone.
Corday: That's okay . .. bring her along.
Doug: Hey! I know what you're thinking! You're wrong!
Mark: When credit is offered, take it. It doesn't appear all that often around here.
Kerry: Nurses don't generate income.
Carol: No, they generate care.
Carol: I had the argument already ... with myself.
Doug: I hope there wasn't any name calling.
Carol: It was all very civil . . . you won.
Doug: So I do better when I'm not there?
Del Amico: It's gonna be a long night at the Laundromat . . .
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