ER: Diálogos - When The Bough Breaks

When The Bough Breaks

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<Benton sendo super protetivo I.>
Carla: Defrivilator . . .
Benton: Defibrillator.

<Benton sendo super protetivo II.>
Benton: Something happens, you're gonna be glad you know.
Carla: Peter, go to work.

<Bentonsendo super protetivo III>
Carla: Peter, it's gonna be all right.

<Doug e Carol patinando no gêlo.>
Doug: So that's what this is? An ego check?
Carol: No, it's about spending time together.

<Jenn aparece reclamando de Mark.>
Mark: You came here to tell me how to spend time with my daughter?

Carter: I feel happy, I feel healthy, I feel terrific.
Del Amico: I'm glad.

Del Amico <sobre Carter>: Call him Sergeant Sunshine.

<Doug pensa que sabe patinar . . . >
Alguém: What happened?
Lydia: Unidentified sports injury.
Carol: Testosterone poisoning.

Doug: I can handle this on my own.
Kerry: If that were true, you'd have gone a long time ago.

Paramédico: Nineteen -- going on infinity.
Mark: Excuse me?
Paramédico: He thinks he's an angel.

<Benton sendo super protetivo IV.>
Carla: You gotta go.
Benton: Carla -- Carla . . .
Carla: You gotta go.

<A mãe de um paciente quer Doug . . . não Del Amico.>
Doug: No problemo, Doctor. I'll take it from here.
Del Amico: Sure. No problemo.

Carter: Dr. Benton, I'd like you to meet Ivan, my med student. I was Dr. Benton's med student, and I'm proud to say I survived the experience.
Benton: Carter!

Kerry: Doug has a problem with strong women.
Carol: I -- um --
Kerry: If he can't charm or vilify them . . .

Doug: Medicate that girl for pain!
Del Amico: She's on morphine!
Doug: Not enough!

<O estudante de Carter não é muito útil . . . >
Mark: Corral your student, Carter!

Carter: Sit down, put your head between your legs, and don't move.

<Para um garoto com uma caneta presa na mão.>
Carter: You shouldn't draw on your body in a moving vehicle!

Garoto: Can I sue someone about this?

Policial que atingiu o ônibus: How are the kids?
Kerry: Some are very serious . . . but we managed to save most of them.
Policial: Most of them . . .

Corday: You have a lovely wife.
Benton: She's not my wife.
Corday: You surprise me again.

<Enquanto cuida do motociclista que causou o acidente.>
Paciente: Hey -- I wasn't a jerk that ran into a bus.
Kerry: No, you're just the jerk that caused it.
Paciente: Bite me, lady.
Kerry: Carter, take this guy, I might shove and IV pole up his ass.
Carter: Nobody wants that.

Lydia: Getting off early?
Benton: No, I'm leaving on time for once.

Corday: Look, it's your boy's first day at home. I, on the other hand, have no life.

Corday: Yeah, yeah . . . go.

Benton: You okay?
Carter: You care?

Benton: Carter -- you wanna stop being treated like my student, stop seeking my approval.

Mark: Seen Carol?
Doug: Yeah -- pretty, about five-six, packs an attitude.

Mark: We can't help people who don't help themselves.
Carol: No, Mark -- that's exactly who we're supposed to help.

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Última Modificação em: maio 26, 2000