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Após a exibição dos episódios irei disponibilizar um resumo mais detalhado bem como alguns diálogos.


1 - Summer Fun, Summer Not

Na última temporada, o casamento de Charlie e Kristen acabou no altar. Agora, Charlie e sua ex-noiva estão juntos novamente - sem planos de casamento. A ex-paixão de Julia, Griffin, está de volta à cidade e Claudia retorna do acampamento com grandes notícias: "Eu encontrei um cara e me apaixonei". Enquanto isso Bailey e seu melhor amigo, Will, fazem uma desastrosa viagem até o México.

Elenco Adicional

Byron......Rider Strong
Ellie......Kathleen Noone
Gina......Alanna Ubach


Things You Left Behind .......... Bonnie Hayes
Powerworld .............................. Sam Philips
Alice Childress ........................ Ben Fold Five
That Summer Feeling ............. Jonathan Richman

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2 - Going, Going, Gone

Kirsten arruma um emprego de professora no Cal State Monterey e as viagens começam a influir no seu relacionamento. Griffin, temporariamente vivendo na casa dos Salingers enquanto procura por um apartamento, não preenche as expectativas de Jlia sobre responsabilidade. Claudia fica com raiva de Julia quando o seu namorado começa a sentir uma subita paixão por ela. Os caminhos de Bailey e Will separam-se quando Will vai para a faculdade com seu novo colega de quarto, Tucker.

Elenco Adicional

Tucker......Peter Simmons
Sr. Conklin......Dennis Lipscomb
Byron......Rider Strong
Gina......Alanna Ubach


Wake Up Time ....... Tom Petty

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3 - Short Cuts

Bailey começa a faculdade e conhece um novo amigo. Julia e Justin entra em uma competição de dissertação com esperanças de vencerem assim sendo eles teriam suas changes aumentadas de entrar em uma boa faculdade no próximo ano. O professor de Kirsten descobre que ela tinha plágiado parte de sua dissetação, e mesmo que isso tenha sido feito sem intenções, Kirsten recusa-se a pedir ao comite que reconsidere o Ph.D., e como resultado ela poderá acabar perdendo o seu cargo de professora e tudo o mais que ela trabalhou duro para conseguir.

Elenco Adicional

Cooper......Harold Pruett
Dr. Kass......Bruce French
Sr. Shiffer......Alan Wilder


32 Flavors ....... Ani Difranco

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4 - Deal With It

O novo colega de facultade de Bailey, Cooper e Julia sentem-se atraidos um pelo outro, mas Bailey os proibem de sairem juntos. Enquanto isso, Bailey ancioso para mudar de casa arruma um apartamento com uma colega, colega essa que Sarah não aprova visto que ela é muito atraente. Claudia assume os trabalhos de casa e Charlie tem que crescer rapidamente após ele perceber que o estado depressivo de Kirsten é muito mais sério do que ele pensava.

Elenco Adicional

Cooper......Harold Pruett
Dr. Leto......Norman Parker

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5 - Mixed Signals

Bailey acha-se representando o salvador para sua colega de quarto, Callie, que ficou cheia até a cabeça de tantos namorados que arrumou. Cooper quer a a sua relação com Julia seja sexual, mas Julia ainda está afetada pelo seu recente aborto e não está pronta para dormir com alguém. Jody, a melhor amiga de Claudia confessa a ela que o novo namorado da mãe dela fez investidas sexuais contra ela. Quando Kirsten tenta um novo medicamento ela torna-se compulsiva sobre limpeza. Charlie tenta convece-la a parar com isso.

Elenco Adicional

Cooper......Harold Pruett
Prof. Tom Digman......Larry Poindexter
Jody......Marla Sokoloff
Gary......Tony Sirkin

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6 - Going Home

Bailey e sua nova colega de quarto estão ficando bons amigos e começam a confiar um no outro - Callie fala sobre seu distante relacionamento com seu pai, que está tendo uma festa pelo seu sexagesimo aniversário e Bailey sobre o seu tenso relacionamento com Charlie. Julia e Sarah vão para um entrevista em uma faculdade mas Sarah fica preocupada e comn saudades de casa e quer voltar para San Francisco assim que eles chegam. Charlie fica furioso com Claudia quando os parentes de Kirsten chegam ameaçando leva-la de volta a Chicago - com um mandado judicial se for preciso.

Elenco Adicional

Ellie......Kathleen Noone
Gene......Nicholas Pryor


Truth Untold ............................ The Odds
Static ........................................ Syd Straw
Where Time Stands Still ......... Mary Chapin Carpenter

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7 - Personal Demons

É dia das bruxas e Claudia está convencida de que uma maldição é a causa de todas as coisas ruins que têm acontecido com a família, e então ela contrata um exorcista para purificar a residência da família. Bailey está começando a sentir a repressão do seu relacionamento celibatário com Sarah. Julia tem que lidar com o fato de Justin estar começando a sair com outras pessoas. Charlie coloca sua confidência em um homem que diz ter sido um velho amigo de seu pai e encontra uma nova mulher que   dirige uma casa de caridade local que alimenta os sem teto.

Elenco Adicional

Earl......Kenneth Mars
Robin......Lisa Reiffell
Dr. Blalock......Taylor Negron
Rob......Sabastian DeVincente


Every Now and Then ...... Vonda Shepard

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8 - Not So Fast

As conseqüências de ter dormido com Callie faz com que Bailey perceba que deve existir algo que ele esqueceu em seu relacionamento com Sarah, e pega algumas dicas com Charlie. Após aproximar-se de uma novelista residente em Stanford para que ela leia seu ensaio de admissão, Julia recebe inesperadamento uma severa critica. Claudia encontra Avery, um velho músico amigo de sua mãe, que deseja matriculá-la em uma escola para crianças superdotadas - uma oportunidade para ela estar em um ambiente onde ela se encaixa completamente.Com Charlie sentido que o seu papel de pai esta sendo substituído por Avery, ele opõe-se à que Claudia tome uma decisão que esta acima dela.

Elenco Adicional

Strause......Lenny Wolpe
Avery Baltus......James Sloyan
Gary Prescott......Neil Roberts
Ross......Mitchell Anderson

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9 - Gimme Shelter

A imprensa pinta Charlie com o cara mau quando ele maneja mal um incidente com um sem teto - e assim também faz Garce. Bailey opta pelo Plano C após ter sido rejeitado pelo time de hoquei. Julia tentando terminar sua aplicação para a faculdade mas intenrompida pelo barulho da construção começa a ajudar o empreiteiro - dois irmãos, Sam e Alec. Claudia começa a agir, pedindo que Sam pinte o quarto de preto enquanto rejeita a ajuda de Julia. Julia e Alec simpatizam-se sobre seus irmãos enquanto Sam esta irritado porque eles estão atrasados com o trabalho. Julia ataca Sam por ser muito descuidado.

Elenco Adicional

Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Alec Brody......Breckin Meyer
Coach Petrocelli......Dan Lauria
Seely......Dean Robinson


Free Fallin' ..... Stevie Nicks

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10 - Close to You (Originalmente: Friends & Lovers)

Directed by Vicki Jackson LeMay, written by Catherine Butterfield

Bailey salva Callie de quase ser estuprada em um encontro, a dependência dela de Bailey começa a crescer e ele cancela um encontro com Sarah para ficar ao lado dela. Cresce a atração de Julia por Sam, um dos empreiteiros contratados para arruma o teto. Claudia escreve um "Aviso para os Abandonados pelo Amor" para a coluna do jornal de sua escola e começa a analizar os problemas de cada um, Charlie acha-se em uma posição delicada quando Grace quer  ser mais do que amiga.

Elenco Adicional

Stuart......Ben Savage
Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Lewis......Vincent Duvall


All Fall Down ...... Sarah Masen
Feel so High ........ Des'ree

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11 - I Do

Bailey esta em uma espiral decrescente. O relacionamento entre Callie e  Bailey intensifica-se enquanto o resentimento de Sarah começa a aumentar. Charlie está sentindo uma continua atração por Grace enquanto Joe volta a cidade para anunciar que irá casar-se e quer fazer isso no restaurante. Julia confessa a sua louca paixão para Sarah.

Elenco Adicional

Joe......Tom Mason
Franny......Anita Barone
Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Lewis......Vincent Duvall


Goodnight Elisabeth .... The Counting Crows

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12 - Desperate Measures



Charlie flies to Chicago to see Kirsten and is surprised to see her doing and looking so good. But he soon realizes that her illness is something that can't be easily fixed. Meanwhile, back in San Francisco, Claudia is admitted to the hospital with an appendicitis; and, Bailey tells Sarah that he slept with Callie.

Elenco Adicional

Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Ellie......Kathleen Noone
Coach Petrocelli......Dan Lauria


If I Were Brave by Shawn Colvin

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13 - Christmas



Carroll O'Connor returns as Grandpa Jake. He shows up claiming that he just wants to spend the holidays with his family. Julia suspects there might be something more going on. Attempting to overcome his own depression about Kirsten, Charlie throws himself into work. He takes on a project to feed the homeless at Christmas time and becomes attached to a homeless man who he later finds out suffers from mental illness. Alone for the holidays since Callie has left to see her own family and Sarah has gone with her parents, Bailey bonds with his wrestling coach. Claudia's attempt to prove to Stuart that she considers him nothing more than a friend backfires when the lame Christmas gift she buys him turns out to be something he really wanted.

Elenco Adicional

Coach Petrocelli......Dan Lauria
Stuart......Ben Savage
Pete......Jonathan Hadary
Xander......Kenneth Magee

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14 - Life's Too Short

Story by Amy Lippman & Christopher Keyser, written by Lisa Melamed


Justin, Julia and the school are shocked when one of their classmates commits suicide, and Julia tries to find out the reason why Libby would end her life when, by all appearances, it looked so promising. Charlie attends his high school reunion and begins to think that the best time of his life is behind him. And, Sarah decides to end her relationship with Bailey.

Elenco Adicional

Lori......Jessica Tuck
Libby Dwyer......Bryn Erin
T.J.......Stan Cahill
Mrs. Dwyer......Joan McMurtrey
Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Aaron......Matthew Ross


Try Not To Breathe by REM
Maryland by Vonda Shepard
Blue Skies by Tori Amos
Sunshine Superman by Rickie Lee Jones

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15 - Significant Others

Directed by Ken Topolsky, written by P.K. Simonds

Bailey throws himself into his wrestling competition -- and the after-match drinking celebrations; Grace accepts a date with a politically connected guy who arouses jealousy in Charlie; and Sam becomes more attentive to Julia after encountering his old girlfriend.

  Elenco Adicional


Ted......Zach Ward
Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Karen......Corrine Bohrer
Michael......Michael Whaley
Henry......Billy Morrissette

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16 - I Declare

Directed by Michael Engler, written by Chris Levinson


Charlie and Grace finally have a real date. They kiss at her apartment, but they agree to take things slow. They have trouble resisting their urges, so next time they see each other, Charlie brings Owen and Grace brings her grandmother in order to curb temptation. Julia: The family is ecstatic when Julia is accepted at Stanford, but she is conflicted. Sarah resents Julia's reluctance to send in her letter of intent because Sarah didn't get into Stanford. Julia tells her guidance counselor that she is not going to college. Bailey is failing a class and needs to finish a paper in order to pull his grade up. He refuses alcohol at Julia's acceptance party. Claudia's outing of a teacher at her school impacts Ross's personal life.

Elenco Adicional

Paul Archer......Raphael Sbarge
Prof. Conklin......John Pleschette
Mr. Burns......Frank Sanders
Mrs. Huffman......Lela Ivey
Nana......Virginia Capers
Ross......Mitchell Anderson
Sam Brody......Ben Browder

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17 - Misery Loves Company

Directed by Rodman Flender, written by Mark B. Perry


Bailey's drinking comes under scrutiny from friends, including visiting pal Will; Grace moves into the Salingers' house after a fire destroys her apartment, and not everyone is happy to have her there. Julia decides she can no longer live under Charlie's rule, and moves into Sam's apartment, upsetting the "quiet little life" Sam had going.

Elenco Adicional

Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Ms. Huffman......Lela Ivey


I Go To Sleep by The Pretenders

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18 - M.Y.O.B.

Directed by Dan Attias, written by Lisa Melamed


Grace begins to think that moving in with Charlie and his family wasn't such a good idea after all after going shopping in her new neighborhood. Claudia, sensing tension at home between Grace and the family, offers to volunteer at Grace's office as a way for the two of them to get better acquainted. Sam is looking for an extra guy at work and Julia recommends Bailey -- a bad idea. After a disastrous night with Bailey at a club, Sarah compares notes with Julia and discovers she's not the only one worried about him. And Bailey, having spent all his money on alcohol, is short on rent money.

Elenco Adicional

Elaine......Sharon Mahoney
Sam Brody......Ben Browder


Something by Richie Sambora
Jack-Ass by Beck

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19 - Point of No Return

Directed by Michael Engler, written by Susannah Grant


Bailey's siblings finally realize the enormity of his drinking problem after witnessing his embarrassing actions at Owen's birthday party; Grace is unsettled by a surprise visit from her parents, who seem to warm to Charlie; and Julia is planning for a future with Sam until she realizes that they hold different views about certain people.

Elenco Adicional

Martin Wilcox......Clifton Davis
Rose Wilcox......Joan Pringle
Sam Brody......Ben Browder
Marcus......Matthew Carey
Avery Baltus......James Sloyan
Coco the Clown......Steven McPorter

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20 - Intervention

Written by Amy Lippman & Christopher Keyser, directed by Steve Robman


Grace and Sarah join the Salingers for a family intervention to confront Bailey about his drinking, but Bailey is so stung by everyone's accusations that he goes on the attack, slinging cruel comments of his own. Joe joins in at the end an reveals that Nick, the Salingers' father, was also an alcoholic.

Elenco Adicional

Joe......Tom Mason


If I Could Talk I'd Tell You by The Lemonheads

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21 - Hitting Bottom

Written by P.K. Simonds, directed by Dennie Gordon


While last week's family intervention with alcoholic brother Bailey was traumatic for the Salingers, its aftermath proves to be even more so. This poignant episode finds Bailey still drinking, and his increasingly erratic behavior alienates roommate Callie and Coach Petrocelli, who learns he can't rely on his former star. Bailey is also still angry with ex-girlfriend Sarah. It shows when he disappears with baby brother Owen, and later, when he gets into an auto accident and injures Sarah. Meanwhile, Claudia directs her anger toward her late father; and Griffin returns when Julia needs him most.

Elenco Adicional

Coach Petrocelli......Dan Lauria
Avery Baltus......James Sloyan
Arnie Horn......Robert Costanzo


This Woman's Work by Kate Bush
Empty by the Cranberries
Bittersweet Me by R.E.M.
The Ocean by Dar Williams

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22 - Leap of Faith

Written by Lisa Melamed, directed by Susannah Grant


The family, having not seen Bailey since the Owen incident, is relieved when he shows up at the house. Bailey goes to his first AA meeting and discovers that Walter Alcott, the man who killed the Salinger parents, is a member and a big participator in the meeting. Griffin is trying to figure out how to spend his lawsuit settlement money. Julia convinces him to go see his father, despite their rocky relationship. When they arrive, Griffin's father picks on him incessantly and tells Griffin that he is having financial problems. Grace is approached to run for a local elected office.

Elenco Adicional

Major Holbrook......John M. Jackson
Walter Alcott......John Rubinstein
Marcia.....Jackie Mari Roberts
Arthur......Troy Evans
Craig......Philip Hinch
Alice......Carolyn Hennesy
Dean......Alex Craig Mann


New Thing Now by Shawn Colvin
Shooting Star by Golden Smog

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23 - Promises, Promises

Written by Mark B. Perry, directed by Lou Antonio


Sarah tries to move on by dating an attractive medical student, but her efforts to remain supportive for Bailey are met with dissaproval from Callie. Elsewhere, Claudia schemes to prove that Grace is too self absorbed to care about the family; and Griffin voices his concern over Julia slacking off in school after she skips school to be with him.

Elenco Adicional

Marcia......Jackie Mari Roberts
Photographer......Kevin Maloney
Drew Bishop......Christopher Gartin
William Newman......?


Without Letting Go by Laurie Sargent
Crash Into Me by Dave Matthews Band
Love Minus Zero-No Limit by Bob Dylan

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24 - A Little Faith

Written by Chris Levinson, Amy Lippman, and Christopher Keyser, directed by Ken Topolsky


It's Spring Break. Sarah goes away with her parents and Bailey volunteers to chaperone Claudia on a trip to Los Angeles in order to distract himself in her absence. While in L.A., Bailey falls off the wagon but learns a valuable lesson. Julia and Griffin decide to take a motorcycle trip, but when the bike breaks down and he decides to buy the shop where it gets fixed, Julia has to come to terms with the fact that she is suddenly the footloose one in the relationship. Grace has a pregnancy scare, which although false, brings up the whole issue of kids with Charlie. It turns out they feel very different on the subject.

Elenco Adicional

Carter......John Doe
Joe......Tom Mason


Every Day Is A Winding Road by Sheryl Crow
Someone To Watch Over Me by Sting

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25 - You Win Some, You Lose Some

Bailey tries to make amends to all the people he hurt while he was drinking. Although he takes heart in the fact that Sarah breaks up with Drew, Sarah tries to make it clear that she's only interested in being friends. Justin gets accepted to Yale and invites Julia to go to Europe with him for the summer. When she brings it up to Griffin, he tells her there's only one way he'll be comfortable with that. So they get married. Charlie realizes that although he loves Grace, she can never love his kids like Kirsten did, and like any good parent, he has to put the kids first.

Elenco Adicional

Coach Petrocelli......Dan Lauria
Rose Wilcox......Joan Pringle


Bookends Theme by Simon & Garfunkel

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©1997-98 Marcos Benites. All rights reserved.
Última atualização:
maio 26, 2000

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